Funny enough I just read up on what can happen if you are sleep deprived "daytime drowsiness, irritability, increased risk of falling", I happen to have increased my coffee intake, I happen to get aggravated on small things (like if one of the drivers are sitting by the phone and I can't get to it), and after my audition today I fell. I almost broke my ankle too! I had to walk around Brighton until it didn't hurt anymore. Luckily, I only broke some skin on the knee YAY JEANS!! So going further into my studies (damn Jen you have me researching stuff now stop rubbing off on me!) It is a good thing I don't have a car too because apparently fatigue has caused 100,000 accidents and 1500 deaths a year! That's insane! Without sleep your immune system slows down making you more vulnerable to infection or disease. One thing as I was reading that I was amazed by is that if you get less than 7 hours of sleep you are supposed to make up for it with a few extra hours the next night, but if you have spent several days without much sleep you need a sleep vacation! Get out, there's a vacation towards sleep! Apparently, you just sleep, eat then sleep again for a few days. HA! Who gets to have time to do that??? I want to meet that person! You age too! I don't like that! The more sleep deprived you are the faster you age and makes your life span deplete.
There is so much more I could look up, but after just reading that I think I should probably try sleeping right now. I hate how I have become more of an insomniac than I already was :( Goodnight
HaHa researching is so much fun so if someone argues you're stuff you can be like BAM! that is real info jack backup!