Thursday, April 23, 2009

Life really is a box of chocolates!

Love love love Tom Hanks! And there was a Forrest Gump and a Castaway Tom Hanks in the Wax Museum! I'm a loser I know but I love him :).

So today I will blog about the seven sins because Sean and I were talking about this yesterday:

Ok I would rant about this but I like this sin so I won't. Clearly I do since I just spent an entire weekend in California repeating this sin....again ....and again haha

Here we go now! I cannot stand people who say they are dieting and weigh a good 200 pounds! Drinking a diet coke is not going to help your ass! And being a bitch will not help your cause either. Yes, I am not a skinny cow, and I do love my diet coke, but I am always within the same 15 pounds that I am year round. But for the cow that is literally MOOOing up the grasslands...such as the one who sits behind her desk all day long just eating and mowing down and bitching at anyone and anything to help them do their job when other people have their own things to do. Then you are not just a cow, but you are also a pig...I think she may be worse than a cop...interesting that I never thought of that.

OOOO greed how you piss me off! I don't care how much money you make in a day! You piss and moan and groan because you get cut hours and more than other people around you, yet with tips you make double the other persons salary. Then when you mkae your large sums of money you enjoy flaunting it in front of those who are less fortunate's face. Seriously, get over yourselves, perhaps the gluttonous and the greedy should get married since the gluttonous are greedy over their food.

Sloth and Wrath:
STOP BITCHING ABOUT YOUR LIVES PEOPLE! So many people don't appreciate being alive. I cannot count how many people this week just bitched because it made them feel beeter about themselves. Do your job and do it happily, you should be happy you have a job. For pilots, if you have a package sent to you a week and a half earlier and you aren't coming for that length of time common sense would be to send it to your home. Misery loves company so buy a rat or something because those are miserable creatures and keep each other happy. Please leave your pitifulness at the door though because nobody likes a puss.

Envy and pride I can't think of right now, but greed and sloth and people in general that like to piss, moan and groan were the target of this one. Amen to the lusterous! I am soo i nthat ring of hell haha, but at least that ring of hell will be the happy go lucky WOOHOO people! I'd rather live all day long there than with the grumpy dwarf.